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發(fā)布人:成考報名王老師   發(fā)布時間:2022-02-18 10:58:02   閱讀量:    文章熱度:熱門

  Ⅰ.Phonetics(5 points)

  Directions:In each of the following groups of words,there are four underlined letters or letter

  combinations marked A,B,C and D.Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that

  is different from the others in pronunciation.Mark your answer by blackening the

  corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.





















  Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure(15 points)

  Directions:There are l5 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four

  choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence andblacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  6.I spoke to several people at the cocktail party.Was Johnone with the red hair?





  7.When I had a problem she listened to me and suggested solutions.She was really





  8.After all this time you’d think he’d have forgotten,(成人高考更多完整資料免費(fèi)提供加微信/QQ:29838818)

  A.should you

  B.wouldn’t you

  C.don’t you

  D.do you

  9.I think I have persuaded Jenny to cometo our point of view




  D.along with

  10.Afteryou have told me I think you should see a doctor





  11.We saw many mountainswith snow





  12.I've been sufferinga bad cold all week





  13.Ithis book by this time tomorrow.

  A.will read

  B.has read

  C.will have read

  D.would read

  14.They kept mefor more than an hour

  A. waits

  B. wait

  C. waited

  D. waiting

  15. Whatyou do if you were me?

  A. do

  B. did

  C. would

  D. can

  16. You had better notthere alone.

  A. go

  B. going

  C. to go

  D. went

  17. It is often easier to make plans than tothem out.(成人高考更多完整資料免費(fèi)提供加微信/QQ:29838818)

  A. put

  B. carry

  C. take

  D. practice

  18. How can he do so much work? Hestay late at the office every evening and take workhome at weekends.

  A. need

  B. can

  C. might

  D. must

  19. We haven't heardnews of him since he left the company.

  A. many

  B. a lot

  C. much

  D. a few

  20. That Shakespeare was one of the most talented writersan understatement to those whoare really familiar with the field of literature.

  A. is

  B. are

  C. was

  D. were

  Ⅲ. Cloze (30 points)

  Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, Cand D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  Thousands of years21humans began the process of domesticating the dog and shaping what"being a dog" really means, Through careful selection and breeding, an astonishing variety of dogbreeds 22been created. Desirable traits have been selected for in various breeds that are of abenefit23humans. There are some traits, however, that quickly become undesirable whenexpressed too frequently. Barking is a(an) 24of a natural behavior that is encouraged in terms ofguarding behavior, but becomes a problem when the behavior is produced in excess. A recent healthinsurance investigation revealed 25the sound of a continually barking dog was cited as the mostdisruptive and stress inducing26for humans.

  Barking, in addition to whining, howling and growling, is a dog's27means of

  communication. Barking is characterized by a series of short, sharp sounds, that tend to vary 28in tone or pitch. A dog's bark29signify territorial protection, exertion of dominance, orexpression of some need.30, barking is "a means of communication triggered by a state ofexcitement. " Being a natural trait, barking is not considered a behavioral problem,31it isproduced in excess.

  The key to solving the problem of excess barking in your dog begins with an understanding of whatis causing 32behavior. Once you have determined a cause,33have a greater chance of

  choosing the most effective solution (e. g. , more exercise) or behavioral modification. Modifying suchan instinctive and natural behavior34barking can be difficult, and may require considerable

  patience, time, and hard work.35, however, are possible, and worth the effort.

  21. A. since

  B. before

  C. ago

  D. later

  22. A. have

  B. are

  C. will

  D. were

  23. A. for

  B. at

  C. to

  D. in

  24. A. subject

  B. method

  C. model

  D. example

  25. A. when

  B. which

  C. whose

  D. that

  26. A. songs

  B. noise

  C. guard

  D. encouragement

  27. A. powerful

  B. natural

  C. friendly

  D. hostile

  28. A. little

  B. less

  C. much

  D. more

  29. A. would

  B. must

  C. can

  D. needs

  30. A. Fortunately

  B. Typically

  C. Sometimes

  D. Probably

  31. A. so that

  B. when

  C. because

  D. until

  32. A. its

  B. this

  C. such

  D. bad

  33. A. you

  B. one

  C. dogs

  D. we

  34. A. like

  B. similar

  C. seems

  D. as

  35. A. Barking

  B. Problems

  C. Solutions

  D. Hard working

  Ⅳ. Reading Comprehension (60 points)

  Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by fourquestions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Chooseone best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  Passage One

  People need to be active to be healthy. Our modern lifestyle and all the conveniences we've

  become used to have made us keep a long time sitting, such as sitting around in front of the TV or thecomputer, riding in the car for even a short trip to the store and using elevators instead of stairs. That'sdangerous for our health. Physical inactivity is as dangerous to our health as smoking!

  Add up your activities during the day in periods of at least 10 minutes each. Start slowly . .. and

  build up. If you're already doing some light activities move up to more moderate ones. A little is good,but more is better if you want to achieve health benefits.

  Scientists say accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity every day to stay healthy or improve yourhealth. Time needed depends on effort -- as you progress to moderate activities, you can cut down tothirty minutes, four days a week.

  Physical activity doesn't have to be very hard to improve your health. This goal can be reached bybuilding physical activities into your daily routine. Just add up in periods of at least ten minutes eachthroughout the day. After three months of regular physical activity, you will notice a difference --people often say getting started is the hardest part.

  36. Nowadays people

  A. are less active than in the past

  B. are more active than in the past

  C. are as active as they used to be

  D. are as inactive as they used to be

  37. Time needed for physical activity depends on

  A. health

  B. effort

  C. money

  D. creation

  38. You can improve your health

  A. relaxing and keeping cool

  B. spending longer hours in activities

  C. eating less and less during short periods of time

  D. integrating physical activity into your timetable

  39. People say that

  A. they do not have time for physical activity

  B. getting started into physical activity is not so difficult

  C. getting started into physical activity is the most difficult part

  D. they prefer keeping the present situation to doing any activities

  Passage Two

  Many children do not go to school either because their parents want them at home as carets for

  siblings, or simply because their parents cannot be bothered to send them. Thousands more are notregistered at any school at all, because of their families' unstable lives.

  Underlying this dreadful situation there are two central truths. First of all, the problem of childrennot going to school often has more to do with their parents than with the children themselves. Secondly,once children go to school, we need to make sure that the experience is a positive one so that they wantto keep on going.

  In Britain, the Ministry of Education has introduced a complex package of sticks and carrots topersuade schools to bring truants (children who do not go to school when they should) and excludedchildren back into the classroom. It is paying grants so that a thousand schools can set up special unitsto help these children. Schools receive the grant if they bring a target number of children back toschool; if they do not meet the target, the grant is withdrawn. Parents are the subject of thiscampaign, too: the Home Office has introduced fines for parents who fail to send their children toschool, and has given the police power to pick up truants on the streets.

  40. According to the text, there are thousands of children who

  A. live in stable families

  B. walk around on the streets

  C. are not registered at any school

  D. stay at home doing the housework

  41. Part of the problem that children do not go to school is that

  A. police to pick up truants on the streets are not enough

  B. these children think education is a waste of time

  C. the number of stable families is not big enough

  D. Government doesn't pay enough for children's education

  42. The Ministry of Education will take away a school's grant if

  A. they meet their targets

  B. children escape from school

  C. they do not reach their objectives

  D. they failed to persuaded truants' parents

  43. The Home Office

  A. will punish parents who fail to send their children to school

  B. will give money to parents to send children to school

  C. has given powers to the police to pick up parents

  D. persuaded children not to escape from school

  Passage Three

  We show an amazing tolerance for a form of pollution that is a growing problem: noise. Airplane

  traffic is increasing by five percent a year. Urban noise is doubling every ten years. By air, land and

  sea, we are facing an onslaught of noise that is threatening our ability to live in this world.

  We have granted ourselves the right to make noise. But what about our responsibilities? Have wedeveloped a sense of acoustic responsibility?

  The evidence suggests that we have not. Many people seem to believe they have an unlimited rightto make noise with cars and motorbikes, and with loud music at home and in the street. In somecountries measures have been taken to force people to make less noise. In Britain, for example, a lawhas been passed preventing people from disturbing their neighbors with music at night.

  It is widely accepted that we should deal with our rubbish in a responsible way. Noise is in realitya particularly insidious (潛在的) form of rubbish. It destroys community life, pursues us into ourhomes, keeps us from sleeping and is the cause of many stress-related illnesses, as well as hearing loss.

  Our acoustic environment belongs to all of us. Everyone has the right to use it, but no one has the right to abuse it. Let's start using it responsibly.

  44. The level of noise produced in cities and towns

  A. is four times higher every ten years

  B. is four times lower every two years

  C. is twice as high now than ten years ago

  D. is twice as high now than two years ago

  45. The right to make noise

  A. is often questioned

  B. is particularly insidious

  C. should be completely forbidden

  D. should be accompanied by a sense of responsibility

  46. Many people

  A. think that they have the right to use noisy motorcycles or cars

  B. think that cars and motorcycles are disturbing

  C. feel responsible for their noise

  D. feel guilty for making loud noise

  47. The author points out that

  A. noise cannot be prevented at all

  B. people do not feel responsible for their rubbish

  C. noise and garbage are problems that disturb us at home

  D. we should accept our responsibility for noise as we do for rubbish

  Passage Four

  The majority of people in Scotland are in favor breaking away from the rest of the UK andbecoming independent, according to a poll taken just before the 300th anniversary of the Act of Union,which united Scotland and England.

  A pair of Acts of Parliament, passed in 1706 and 1707 that came into effect on May l, 1707,created Great Britain. The parliaments of both countries were dissolved, and replaced by a new

  Parliament of Great Britain in Westminster, London.

  The poll showed support for independence for Scotland is running at 51%. This is the first time

  since 1998 that support for separation has passed 50% , and the first time since devolution gave powerto the country in 1999. Six months before elections for the Scottish Parliament, these poll results comeas good news to the Scottish Nationalist Party, who are hoping to make progress against Labor andfurther the cause of an independent Scotland.

  Many people have become disillusioned with devolution, and believe that the Scottish Parliamenthas failed to deliver what they had hoped it would; only a tenth has no opinion. In fact, only 39% ofthose polled want to keep things as they are.

  48. Scotland and England

  A. were united by war

  B. have always been united

  C. want to break up the union

  D. have been united for a long time

  49. People who want independence for Scotland

  A. are in the minority

  B. are the vast majority

  C. are the slight majority

  D. have decreased in number since devolution

  50. Many people's opinions of devolution

  A. make progress against Labor

  B. have gone down

  C. have gone up

  D. are the same

  51. The best title for this passage could be

  A. The Poll in Scotland

  B. Two Acts of Parliament

  C. England and Scotland

  D. Scottish Independence

  Passage Five

  Twelve years ago, oceanographer Captain Charles Moore was skippering his yacht the Alguita in

  the North Pacific. He sailed into a mass of floating plastic rubbish which took him and his crew a weekto cross. This floating rubbish dump is now called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and doubles the sizeof the USA.

  The United Nations says there are now 18,000 pieces of plastic in every square kilometre of sea

  everywhere in the world. A walk along any beach will give you some idea of the seriousness of plasticpollution.

  The trouble is, when we throw out plastic with the trash, the plastic doesn't go away. Plastic does

  not biodegrade. It photo degrades into smaller and smaller particles which then enter the food chain.Plastics contain cancer-causing chemicals along the food chain in increasing concentrations and end upin our fish and chips, along with hormone disruptors. Scientists try to tell us that we are killingourselves as well as other animals. At least 200 species are, as I speak, being killed by plastic.Whales, dolphins, turtles and albatross confuse floating plastic, especially shopping bags and six packrings, with jellyfish.

  Some countries have rebelled and banned plastic bags. And the first was brave Bangladesh. Then

  China took the same decision. Botswana, Canada, Israel, Kenya, Rwanda, Singapore and South

  Africa have also banned plastic bags. Notice how many of the world's richest countries are not on thislist. It's an absolute disgrace.

  Think globally, act locally. A small Australian town is now one step ahead of the rest of theworld. The inhabitants of Bundanoon in New South Wales have banned plastic bottles from the town.We need to follow their example and eliminate plastic from our lives, take care of the earth and vote forpeople we think will do the same.

  52. The writer says that we can get an idea of how much plastic rubbish there is in the oceans


  A. looking at the sea

  B. travelling across the USA

  C. sailing across the Pacific

  D. taking a walk along any beach

  53. The reader learns that toxic chemicals get into our food

  A. when plastic becomes small enough to enter our food chain

  B. because other animals are being killed by plastic

  C. because plastic does not biodegrade

  D. from plastic bags from supermarkets

  54. In the fourth paragraph the writer is angry because

  A. not many of the world's richest countries have banned plastic bags

  B. not many countries have banned plastic bags

  C. countries are not developing countries

  D. most of the countries are African

  55. In the final paragraph the writer advises us to

  A. stop buying plastic bottles

  B. take individual action

  C. visit Australia

  D. stop voting

  V. Daily Conversation (15 points)

  Directions: Pick out five appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the

  following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  A. Yes, we met

  B. That's great

  C. No, I'm afraid I haven't had any time yet

  D. Are you excited

  E. No, I haven't seen him yet

  F. I was very nervous

  G. I have been there

  H. Thanks for calling

  Betsy: Hi Brian, this is Betsy. How are you doing.'?

  Brian: I've just returned from the Head Office. The weather is great! Boston is a great city!

  Betsy: Have you met Frank yet?

  Brian: 56 . We have a meeting at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. We are going to meet then.

  Betsy: Have you made your presentation yet?

  Brian: Yes, I made the presentation yesterday afternoon.57, but everything went well.

  Betsy: Has management given you any feedback yet?

  Brian: Yes, I've already met with the sales director. We met immediately after the meeting and he wasimpressed with our work.

  Betsy: 58Brian. Congratulations! Have you visited any museums yet?

  Brian: 59I hope to take a tour around town tomorrow.

  Betsy: Well, I'm happy to hear that everything is going well. I'll talk to you soon.

  Brian :60Betsy. Bye.

  Betsy : Bye.

  Ⅵ.Writing(25 points)

  Directions:For this part,you are supposed to write an essay in English in l00-120 words based

  on the following situation.Remember to write it clearly.

  61.請以闖紅燈(red light running)為主題寫一篇短文,內(nèi)容包括:






  1.C 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.A







  Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure


  6.D 7.C 8.B 9.B l0.B ll.A l2.D l3.C l4.D l5.C l6.A l7.B

  18.D l9.C 20.A




  8.考查反義疑問句。原句應(yīng)是:you would think he had have forgotten...反義疑問句的規(guī)則是陳述部分是肯定式,疑問部分應(yīng)是否定式。Would think表示推測,疑問部分也應(yīng)選擇would。選項(xiàng)B是正確的。【句子大意】你難道還認(rèn)為他已經(jīng)忘掉了,是嗎?

  9.考查詞組。Come in參與,come around接受,come over順便來訪,come along with隨同。此處表示經(jīng)過勸說而接受別人的意見。選項(xiàng)B是正確的。【句子大意】我想我已經(jīng)說服詹妮接受我們的觀點(diǎn)了。

  10.考查從句。介詞后的賓語從句,如果以連接代詞為首,并且該代詞在從句中起賓語作用,通常不用that或if。What指所做的事=the thing which,which指某一事物。指代“所說的話”,應(yīng)用what。選項(xiàng)B是正確的。【句子大意】聽了你告訴我的情況,我認(rèn)為你應(yīng)該去看醫(yī)生。

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