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發(fā)布人:成考報名王老師   發(fā)布時間:2022-02-18 10:57:33   閱讀量:    文章熱度:熱門

  Ⅰ. Phonetics (5 points)

  Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter

  combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that

  is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  1. A. Wednesday

  B. recent

  C. sudden

  D. absent

  2. A. broad

  B. boast

  C. coast

  D. crossroads

  3. A. gratitude

  B. furniture

  C. mature

  D. opportunity

  4. A. happiness

  B. impossible

  C. possess

  D. massage

  5. A. crucial

  B. decision

  C. democracy


  Ⅱ. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)

  Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four

  choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence andblacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  6. Only with your help,such difficulties in the field.(成人高考更多完整資料免費提供加微信/QQ:29838818)

  A. can we overcome

  B. we can overcome

  C. should we overcome

  D. we should overcome

  7. The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are many peopleskiing.

  A. enjoy

  B. that want

  C. who enjoy

  D. want

  8. Would you liketo the United States?

  A. trip

  B. voyage

  C. going

  D. to travel

  9. Not you but your father

  A. are to blame

  B. is to blame

  C. are to be blamed

  D. is to be blamed

  10. After all this time you'd think he'd have forgotten,?

  A. didn't you

  B. wouldn't you

  C. did you

  D. would you

  11. I should never have said that. I wish Ithat.

  A. didn't say

  B. wouldn't say

  C. hadn't said

  D. don't say

  12. I've already decided. Ibuy a new car.

  A. am going to

  B. will

  C. would

  D. have bought

  13. What would you do if youyour job?(成人高考更多完整資料免費提供加微信/QQ:29838818)

  A. lose

  B. lost

  C. would lose

  D. will lose

  14. We won't be able to go to the clubour parents give us permission.

  A. although

  B. nevertheless

  C. unless

  D. once

  15. Why don't you try to come home9 o'clock?

  A. by

  B. under

  C. until

  D. up to

  16. By my 50th birthday, Iin my current profession for over 20 years.

  A. would have been

  B. would be

  C. will be

  D. will have been

  17. I think they are dating. Theya lot of each other recently.

  A. had seen

  B. had been seeing

  C. have seen

  D. have been seeing

  18. Ithe paper after lunch. That's one of the things I really enjoy.

  A. used to read

  B. am used to reading

  C. use to read

  D. have used to read

  19. I am against childrento school before they are six.

  A. who send

  B. being sent

  C. sending

  D. having sent

  20. it is no goodEnglish without speaking English.

  A. to learn

  B. learn

  C. learning

  D. learned

  Ⅲ.Cloze (30 points)

  Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, Cand D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  Los Angeles has planted 2,000 rubber trees down the middle of one of its main streets. Thesetrees do not 21rubber. They are,22, made of rubber. Mr. Joe Dynamo, a spokesman forLos Angeles 23council, explained the reasons. He said:

  "These24are representative of our virtual society. We have polystyrene grass on our golf 25. We have non-milk powder 26our coffee. We 27copies in plastic of old woodenfurniture. We have fiberglass tombstones.28shouldn't we have trees made of rubber?"

  "At 50 miles an hour, 29 motorist will see any difference. And our preservation 30willbe lower. You give the trees an annual rinse with detergent, and 31them off twice a year. We 32 a lot of money because transplanting, pruning, weeding and leaf-collection are all 33And we have a 60-year 34guarantee on each plaint. This is rationalization at 35best. "

  21. A. invent

  B. do

  C. produce

  D. create

  22. A. in fact

  B. eventually

  C. practically

  D. as a matter

  23. A. country

  B. state

  C. city

  D. county

  24. A. plants

  B. trees

  C. rubber

  D. streets

  25. A. courses

  B. places

  C. courts

  D. playground

  26. A. on

  B. of

  C. at

  D. in

  27. A. make

  B. introduce

  C. build

  D. set

  28. A. What

  B. How

  C. When

  D. Why

  29. A. some

  B. no

  C. many

  D. a few

  30. A.costs

  B. price

  C. money

  D. award

  31. A. sweep

  B. wash

  C. tidy

  D. dust

  32. A. waste

  B. keep

  C. save

  D. store

  33. A. essential

  B. accidental

  C. unnecessary

  D. necessary

  34. A. fade

  B. non-fade

  C. die away

  D. everlasting

  35. A. one's

  B. its

  C. their

  D. the

  Ⅳ. Reading Comprehension (60 points)

  Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by fourquestions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Chooseone best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  Passage One

  To find out what the weather is going to be, most people go straight to the radio, television ornewspaper to get an expert weather forecast. But if you know what to look for, you can use your ownsenses to make weather predictions.

  There are many signs which can help you. For example, in fair weather the air pressure isgenerally high. The air is still and often full of dust. Faraway objects may look hazy. But when a stormis brewing, the pressure drops and you are often able to see things more clearly. Sailors took note ofthis long ago and came up with a saying "The farther the sight, the nearer the rain. "

  Your sense of smell can also help you detect weather changes. Just before it rains, odors becomestronger. This is because odors arerepressedin a fair, high-pressure center. When a bad weather lowmoves in, air pressure lessens and odors are released.

  You can also hear an approaching storm. Sounds bounce off heavy storm clouds and return toearth with increased force. An old saying describes it this way: "Sounds traveling far and wide, astorm day will betide. "

  And don't scoff if your grandmother says she can feel a storm coming. It is commonly known thatmany people feel pains in their bones or in corns and bunions when the humidity rises, the pressuredrops, and bad weather is on the way.

  36. The topic of this passage could be

  A. Expert Weather Forecast

  B. Seeing Approaching Storms

  C. Old Sayings about Weather

  D. Using the Senses to Detect Weather Changes

  37. According to the passage, as a storm approaches, faraway objects look

  A. hazy because of dust in the air

  B. clearer because air pressure is high

  C. clearer because air pressure is dropping

  D. distorted because of storm clouds

  38. In the last paragraph, the writer implies that

  A. the idea of feeling a coming storm is foolish

  B. older people know a lot about weather

  C. it is possible, but unlikely, that people feel aches when a storm is coming

  D. it is definitely true that some people can feel coming weather changes

  39. The underlined word "repressed'' in paragraph 3 is close toin meaning.

  A. crush

  B. restrict

  C. lower

  D. struggle

  Passage Two

  There are no inevitable outcomes of social class in child rearing. At the same time, there is no

  question that social class is important factor in how children are raised and the kind of adults that

  children become. Regarding social class, sociologists have found that parents socialize their childreninto the behaviors and norms of their work worlds. Members of the working class are closely supervisedand are expected to followexplicitrules at their jobs. If they do not follow the precise rules and do asthey are told, they will not keep their jobs. Their experience influences how they deal with theirchildren. As a result, their concern is less with their children's motivations and more with theirchildren's outward conformity. Thus they are more apt to use physical punishment in managing theirchildren. On the other hand, middle-class parents, who are expected to take more initiative on thejob, are more concerned that their children develop curiosity, self-expression, and self-control. Theyare also more likely to withdraw privileges or affection than to use physical punishment.

  40. The word "explicit" means

  A. vague

  B. difficult

  C. confusing

  D. clearly defined

  41. According to this passage, working-class parents are more likely than middle-class parents


  A. use physical punishment for discipline

  B. have children who finish college

  C. have children who are out of control

  D. show less love to their children

  42. Middle-class parents will encourage their children to be

  A. self-confident

  B. reliable

  C. curious

  D. successful

  43. This passage is about

  A. the relation between social class of the parents and their children's rearing

  B. the similarities between working class and middle class parents

  C. the differences between children of working class and the ones of middle class

  D. the relation between working class and middle class in their working places

  Passage Three

  Farm animals provide man with food and material for clothing, leather and other products. Some,

  such as horses and oxen, provide transportation and power to pull maehinery. Livestock gaze on about40 percent of the United States land area.

  Cattle provide meat, hides and dairy products. Beef and dairy cattle account for about a third of

  all farm income in the U.S. Farms in the Midwest and sprawling ranches in the West raise most of thecountry's beef cattle. The main Dairy Belt in the U.S. extends through the Northern states from NewEngland to Minnesota. Eastern dairy farmers in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa sell most of their milkto companies that make butter, cheese and evaporated milk.

  Hogs grow rapidly and provide meat and materials used to make many products. Hogs thrive on

  corn, and farmers in the Corn Belt of the Midwest raise more than two-thirds of U. S. hogs.

  Sheep and goats supply man with meat, wool and skins for leather. They are hardy animals that

  live well on poor grazing land.

  Poultry includes chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys and other birds raised for meat or eggs. Many

  farmers keep small flocks of chickens to supply their families with eggs and meat. But some U. S.farmers specialize in raising large flocks of meat or egg-laying chickens. They use scientific breedingand feeding methods.

  Some specialized farms raise mink and other animals for their fur, rabbits for meat, or silkwormsfor silk. Many farmers keep bees to get their honey and to help pollinate crops.

  44. Farm animals in this passage are for

  A. farming

  B. leather only

  C. natural balance

  D. man's need

  45. Where is the Corn Belt located?

  A. Northeast.

  B. Midwest.

  C. South.

  D. West.

  46. Land which is too poor to sustain cattle might be used to raise

  A. horses

  B. oxen

  C. sheep

  D. dairy cows

  47. Which animals in this passage are bred by scientific methods?

  A. Poultry.

  B. Geese.

  C. Birds.

  D. Chickens.

  Passage Four

  The crowd stirred and whispered in awe as, on the stage, the horse slowly tapped out the beat.

  Everyone became tense and quiet as the number of taps neared the correct answer to the horse trainer'squestion. After the final tap, the horse paused, seemed to look around and stopped. The crowd wentwild !

  The horse's name was Clever Hans, the Educated Horse, and was featured in a vaudeville(雜耍)

  act in the early 1900s, in Europe. When asked a complicated mathematical question by his owner,

  Clever Hans would tap out the correct answer with his hooves. For example, if the answer was sixty-eight, Hans would tap out six with his left hoof and eight with his right hoof. Even more remarkable,the owner would leave the room after asking the question, so there could be no secret signal betweenowner and horse. A mere animal seemed to be accomplishing a highly technical skill of man's!

  It wasn't until years later that the secret of the trick was revealed. The owner had trained Clever

  Hans to respond to slight signals. The horse became so sensitive that he learned when to stop from thecrowd's reaction. Members of the audience would start involuntarily, or give some unconscious signal,when Hans reached the right answer. Modern scientists now warn against the Clever Hans syndrome(綜合征), whereby researchers unconsciously give clues to their animal subjects about the actionsthey like to see performed!

  48. This passage is mainly about

  A. animal intelligence

  B. mathematical skills

  C. Clever Hans

  D. unconscious behavior

  49. The Clever Hans syndrome is a danger to be avoided by

  A. audience

  B. researchers

  C. veterinarians

  D. mathematicians

  50. The Clever Hans's real talent was

  A. his sensitivity to crowd reaction

  B. adding large sums

  C. standing quietly on stage

  D. obeying his owner

  51. The first paragraph of this passage is

  A. a first person account

  B. a dramatic account

  C. an understatement

  D. a scientific finding

  Passage Five

  It takes a long time to grow a tree. How long? Well, pine trees are the quickest growing trees, but

  still, they take twenty years to reach a size suitable for cutting and harvesting. An oak takes about sixtyyears to grow to a good size. A redwood may take hundreds of years.

  Lumber companies, which make their money on trees, depend on those that grow quickly.Therefore, they are always looking for methods to make trees grow faster. So far, the secret to fastgrowing trees seems to lie in " super-seeds. " These are seeds that are gathered from the quickestgrowing trees in a forest. One company searched 100,000 acres of trees and selected the seeds fromjust fifteen trees. These two ounces of seed were enough to plant several hundred new trees.Eventually, when these trees have grown, seeds will again be taken only from the fastest growing treesof crop. This process of artificial selection will yield, in the future, a super-tree that will grow in halfthe time it takes normal trees to develop.

  Unfortunately, it takes a long time for a plan like this to reach its goal. The Weyerhauser Lumber

  Corporation, which started its first collection of seed in 1958, is just now beginning to harvest the

  super-seeds of the first generation of the faster growing trees.

  52. This selection centers on

  A. the life span of trees

  B. the age of redwoods

  C. making trees grow quickly

  D. cutting trees for lumber

  53. Trees that grow faster are developed by

  A. planting many trees and fertilizing them

  B. collecting seeds from strong, slow growing trees

  C. selecting the seeds of the fastest growing trees

  D. feeding them high-energy plant foods

  54. Super-trees

  A. will be a great benefit to lumber companies

  B. make extra-good lumber for buildings

  C. will probably be weak because of their fast growth

  D. may be defenseless to many insects and diseases

  55. The word "therefore" in paragraph 2 indicates that a

  A. speech is beginning

  B. conclusion follows

  C. comparison is being made

  D. metaphor is being used

  V. Daily Conversation (15 points)

  Directions: Pick out five appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the

  following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

  A. I prefer the leather one

  B. What do you like

  C. It looks warmer

  D. clerk

  E. It sounds nice

  F. price tag

  G. to try it on

  H. Which one do you like better

  Anne: Look! These jackets are nice.56?

  Sue: I like the wool one better.

  Anne: Really? Why?

  Sue : 57

  Anne: Well, 58. It's more attractive than the wool one.

  Sue: Hmm. There's no 59

  Anne: Excuse me. How much is this jacket?

  Clerk: It's $499. Would you like 60?

  Anne: Oh, no. That's OK! But thank you anyway.

  Clerk: You're welcome.

  Ⅵ. Writing (25 points)

  Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write a notice in English in 100-120 words based

  on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.

  61.以行政管理部門(Administration Office)的名義寫一份考試延期的通知。其內(nèi)容如下:








  1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A







  Ⅱ.Vocabulary and Structure


  6.A 7.C 8.D 9.B l0.B ll.C l2.A l3.B l4.C l5.A l6.D l7.D

  18.B l9.B 20.C



  7.這是there be句型,不能再有第二個謂語,排除選項A和D。Enjoy doing sth,enjoy后跟動詞的-ing形式;want to do sth,want后跟動詞不定式。定語從句在說明人時用who。選項C是正確的。【句子大意】滑雪勝地通常人滿為患。很多人都喜歡滑雪。

  8.Would like to do sth想/愿意做某事。選項D是正確的。【句子大意】你想不想去美國旅游?

  9.由not...but連接的并列主語,其謂語采取就近原則,即靠近謂語的主語是單數(shù),謂語則用單數(shù)形式;靠近謂語的主語是復(fù)數(shù),謂語則用復(fù)數(shù)形式。Blame在用于someone is to blame時,含有被動意義,意為某人該受責(zé)備。選項B是正確的。【句子大意】不是你,而是你父親該受責(zé)備。

  10.You’d think=you would think。反義疑問句。找出真正被反問的部分,看其是否定還是肯定,疑問部分與其相反。選項B是正確的。【句子大意】這么長時間過后,你一定以為他已經(jīng)忘卻了,你是不是這么想的?


  12.Will表示要發(fā)生的動作不是計劃好的。Be going to表示要發(fā)生的動作是計劃好的。選項A是正確的。【句子大意】我已經(jīng)決定了,準備買一輛新車。




  15.By不晚于,under低于,until直到,up to直到。選項A是正確的。【句子大意】你為什么不爭取九點以前回來?



  18.Used to do sth過去常常做某事,be used to doing sth習(xí)慣于做某事。選項B是正確的。【句子大意】我習(xí)慣于午飯后看報紙。這是我真正享受的一件事。

  19.這里應(yīng)用分詞短語的現(xiàn)在時的被動語態(tài)being done。選項B是正確的。【句子大意】我反對小孩在6歲前上學(xué)。

  20.It is no good doing sth做某事無用。選項C是正確的。【句子大意】學(xué)英語卻不說英語是沒有用的。



  21.C 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.A 26.D 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.A 31.D

  32.C 33.C 34.B 35.B



  22.種的是橡膠樹卻不能生產(chǎn)橡膠,這里是解釋原因。用“事實上in fact”解釋,所種的不是真的橡膠樹。選項A是正確的。



  25.高爾夫場地表達為golf course。選項A是正確的。






  31.根據(jù)上下文,可以看出這里講的是對假樹的清潔工作:清洗和除塵。Sweep them off把樹掃掉,wash them off把樹洗掉,tidy整理,都不符合文章含義。選項D是正確的。




  35.At one’s best強有力的、全盛的。One’s表示它所代表的事物,所有格。應(yīng)為its,這里it指的是rationalization(強辯、說明)。選項B是正確的。


  洛杉磯的一條主要街道上種了2 000棵橡膠樹。這些樹不生產(chǎn)橡膠。事實上它們是用橡膠做的。市政府發(fā)言人Joe Dynamo先生在解釋其理由時說:



  Ⅳ.Reading Comprehension



  36.D 37.C 38.D 39.B















  40.D 41.A 42.C 43.A








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